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Notice on Essay Competition
Notice on “The Century-old Party-- the Communist Party of China in the Eyes of International Students” Essay CompetitionWith the hope of helping international students to have an all-round understanding of China, especially the great changes in the past several decades, and the understanding of the Communist Party of China and China's development path, International Education College is going to host an essay competition entitled “The Century-old Party-- the Communist Party of China in the Eyes of International Students”. We welcome international students to participate the above mentioned exciting event.1、ParticipantsInternational students from Zhejiang Chinese Medical University2、 Requirements2.1 Written in Chinese or English, the length of entries should be around 1000 Chinese characters. There is no restriction on the written style.2.2 Choose a theme from the following topics. It is required to be original, the title should be self-proposed, and the content should fit the theme.(1)The century-old party-- The Communist Party of China in the eyes of foreign students(2)Right in its prime at its centenary--My beautiful encounter with China(3)Hundred years of glory -- 100 reasons to fall in love with Hangzhou2.3 We expect you to share with us your experiences and insights of the development experience of the Communist Party of China and China's development path, you can tell the feelings and observations of your study, life and work in China, and describe China's economic development, scientific and technological achievements, natural scenery, urban features and cultural exchanges under the leadership of CPC.3、DeadlineDeadline: The closing date for entries is February 15, 2022.4、Submission:Please send your entries to cherie13251026769@163.com with your Chinese name, passport name and student number.5、Rewards:First prize: valued at RMB300 in kind.Second prize: valued at RMB200 in kind.Third prize: valued at RMB100 in kind. And several excellence Awards:a small gift.Excellent articles will be reported on the official WeChat account of IEC.6、Contact:Cherie Li,office 12-106.
2022 Winter Vacation
Holiday Arrangement and Safety Notice for 2022 Winter Vacation各位留学生同学:Dear all the international students,   接学校通知,我校2022年寒假放假时间为2022年1月16日至2月20日。2月21日正式上课。为了提高在华留学生的安全意识,国际教育学院提醒大家务必注意以下几点:According to the notice of the school, Winter vacation of our school in 2022 will be from January 16th to February 20th, 2022. Classes will begin on February 21th, 2022. In order to strengthen the security awareness of students in China, International Education college kindly reminds you to pay attention to the following points during the vacation:1. 法律注意事项Legal awareness   遵守中国法律,遵守校纪校规,特别强调:不藏毒吸毒,不非法打工。任何违法行为都会受到学校处分。Abiding by all Chinese laws and university rules and regulations no matter where you are. In particular, don’t possess or take drugs, don’t take illegal jobs. Students who violate China’s and the university regulations will be punished.2. 疫情防控提醒Reminder for pandemic prevention and control   1)尽量减少外出活动,非必要,不离杭。如果有特殊需求,要离开杭州的,请提前3天在MY IEC系统上向班主任申请,审批通过方可安排出行。Reduce activities out of Hangzhou as much as possible, if the travel is not necessary or if not an emergency, please do not leave Hangzhou. If you have special needs and want to leave Hangzhou, please apply to the class teacher on the MYIEC SYSTEM 3 days in advance, and you can only leave Hangzhou after you get permission from your class teacher.2)每日做好健康打卡,做好体温监测,发烧立即上报并就医。Please do the daily health report and monitor personal health status of yourself. In case of any symptoms, please report and go to fever clinics immediately and get tested.3)建议出门戴好口罩,保持社交距离。It is stongly recommended that a mask shall be worn when going out. Avoid gatherings, and keep social distances.    4)勤洗手,保持良好卫生和健康习惯。Keep your hands sanitized. Try to avoid touching public objects and parts in public areas. Keep good hygiene and health habits.5)尽量避免前往人流密集场所,不得去酒吧、KTV等高风险地区。Try to avoid visiting crowded public areas. It’s strictly prohibited to visit high risk areas, such as Bar, Karaoke, etc.6)及时关注学院通知,保持手机畅通。Don’t forget to login while enjoy your vacation. Please pay close attention to School Notice and keep your phone lines open during vacation.7)开学前连续 14 天每日测量体温,并记录本人旅行史、居住史和密切接触史等流行病学史、本人与同住人员健康情况等。The body temperature should be measured every day for 14 consecutive days before the semester begins, and the epidemiological history such as travel history, residence history and close contact history, as well as the health status of yourself and your fellow residents should be recorded.   特别提醒:隐瞒,延迟报告其当前位置或近期旅行记录者,将给予处分。Reminder: Students who conceal, delay reporting their current locations or recent travel records shall be given punished.3. 签证事宜Validity of visa   请检查你的护照有效期和签证有效期。护照应至少有6个月有效期,如不足的请联系你的大使馆进行更换;签证如将在假期过期的,请在1月17日前联系招生与学生事务部,以便我们给予必要的帮助。Please check the validity of your passport and visa. Passports should be valid for at least 6 months. If it is insufficient, please contact your embassy for replacement. If the visa will expire during the winter holiday, please contact the Admission and Student Affairs Office before the January 17th, so that we can provide necessary assistance.4. 交通安全Traffic security   外出时一定注意交通安全、做到遵守交通规则,带好头盔,不骑无证电动自行车、不酒后驾驶。Paying attention to the traffic security and abiding by the traffic regulations when you go out. Remember to wear helmet. Don’t ride unlicensed e-bike and drive after drinking.5.校园安全Campus and electricity safety   1) 要保管好现金和贵重物品,手机、手提电脑、数码相机等应随身携带或托人保管,离开时要关好门窗、锁好抽屉及房门,以防失窃。Please take care of your valuables, such as laptop, camera, cell phone, etc. Make sure to lock the windows, drawers and doors before you leave.   2) 离开宿舍前要检查用水、用电、用火安全,检查是否关好水龙头、切断电源,防止火灾、触电及其它安全事故的发生。Check the water, electricity before leaving the dorm.   3) 在校内住宿的学生需遵守宿舍管理制度,绝不能留宿他人、在规定时间内返回宿舍。严禁彻夜不归或留宿他处。Students who live in our school dormitory should follow the regulations of dormitory management. Never allow visitors to stay overnight and come back to the dormitory at the prescribed time. It’s strictly prohibited to stay out all night or stay in other places.6. 防范网络和电信诈骗Precautions against network and wire frauds   强化反诈骗意识,接到陌生电话,收到陌生短信,做到“不相信、不上当”,选择正规平台进行网上购物,以防财产遭受损失。Strengthening anti-fraud awareness. Don’t get deceived when you receive a strange phone or a strange message. Prevent the loss of property by ignoring such calls and messages. Don’t purchase products through informal platform.7. 如有疑问或需要帮助,请及时联系国际教育学院值班的老师。If you have any difficulties or need any help during the vacation, please contact the teacher on duty in the International Education College in time.   在宿舍楼内发现有可疑人员或异常情况,请立即学校保卫处值班电话:86632110。If you find any suspicious person and abnormalities inside the dormtory, please call the school police:86632110.   在校外受到伤害,立刻拨打电话:110(警察),120(医疗急救),119(火灾),并及时告知你的班主任。And if you get hurt outside the campus, please make calls as followed: Police: 110,Fire: 119, Emergency medical aid: 120. Besides, tell your class teacher.   当前,全球疫情形势仍不乐观,我们的生活、学习仍然遭受疫情的影响。大部分的浙中医大国际学子仍然身处国外,守着方寸屏幕与母校相连,克服网络、时差等种种问题坚持求学。学校每位老师时刻挂念着你们的健康和学习,积极开展了线上线下双向教学课程和管理服务,期盼着早日能再次与你们相聚!亲爱的浙中医大国际学子,让我们聚是一团火,散做满天星,同怀一个梦想,共待一春归!At present, the global pandemic situation is still not optimistic, and our life and study are still affected by the pandemic. Most of you are still in your own country, persisting in studying despite problems such as the Internet and jet lag. Every teacher in the school cares about your health and study, and actively carries out online and offline teaching courses and management services. All teachers are looking forward to seeing you soon! Into blazing flame we united, into shining stars we parted.   预祝大家新春快乐!万事顺遂!平安健康!Wish all of you a happy Spring Festival! Everything goes well! Be safe and healthy!
"The Most Beautiful Dormitory" Competition
Notice about the competition of "The Most Beautiful Dormitory"Dear all students on NO.12 Building,The competition of "The Most Beautiful Dormitory" will be held on 18th November. The relevant matters are as follows.1.Evaluation TimeBefore 20:00 on 16th November, 2021, students should submit the "Application Form for The Most Beautiful Student Dormitory of Zhejiang Chinese Medicial University"(Attachment 1).9:00am-11:00am, 18th November, 2021, there will be on-site inspection and assessment.2.ParticipantsTake the dormitory as the unit to participate in the competition. All dormitories are required to participate in the competition.3. Evaluation method(1) Members of the evaluation team are teachers, apartment counselors and students representatives.(2) The evaluation team will conduct on-site inspection and assessment. They will select 6-8 most beautiful dormitories of the college according to the scores, and award certificates and bonuses.(3) The IEC will recommend one or two of the most beautiful dormitories to participate in the school-level competition based on the results of the this competition. In the school-level competition, students should prepare presentation which includes 1500 words of materials, 3-minute video and 5-minute PPT. The content of the presentation include: the basic information of dormitory members, dormitory civilization, dormitory environment display, dormitory culture and dormitory members' academic performance, scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship, competition awards, social services and other aspects of the characteristics of the dormitory members.(4) Evaluation score:Total dormitory score = On-site score *70%+ application form score *30%4. Award Settings (College-level Evaluation)The First prize: 500 yuan;The Second prize: 400 yuan;The Third prize: 300 yuan;Other dormitories with a total score of 80 or above will receive a subsidy of 50 yuan per dormitory.If any dormitory wins the award in the school-level competition, students will get extra points to the annual comprehensive evaluation.5.Evaluation rules(1) Dormitory Basic Civilization (45 points)① No odor in the room (10 points)② The floor, desk and bed are clean and tidy, and reasonable placement of the items (10 points)③ Garbage cleaning arrangement in regularity (5 points)④ The hygiene and cleanliness of toilet (10 points)⑤ No belongings stack at the door or corridor in dormitory. (10 points)(2) Dormitory Safety Management (30 points)① No illegal using of electrical appliances (5 points)② No feeding small animals (5 points)③ No illegal using of electric multi-tap and wires (5 points)④ Proper using of electric, such as turn off the power when student leave dormitory, and disconnect the socket when the hair dryer, laptop, desk lamp, mobile power supply, electric charger, etc. are not in use (5 points)⑤ Lock the door in time when student leave dormitory (5 points)⑥ No other hidden dangers, such as open flames, charging in bed, etc (5 points)(3) Dormitory Internal Management (5 points)① Harmonious dormitory roommates relationship and no bad behavior (3 points)② Dormitory members are warm and polite with their attitude (2 points)(4) Additional points (20 points)Dormitory decoration or designated style is unique and creative. (20 points)(5) In case of any of the following circumstances, the selection qualification shall be directly canceled and rated as unqualified dormitory.① If found illegal electrical appliances are stored or used in the room during the evaluation.② Dormitory members have other behaviors in violation of Dormitory regulations and management.International Education CollegeZhejiang Chinese Medical UniversityNovember 12,2021
Scholarship Awardees of 2020-2021
Announcement of Recommended Name List of Scholarship Awardees of 2020-2021 Academic YearTo all international students,According to 2020-2021 Academic Year Scholarship Application Notice, on the basis of individual application, in accordance with the “open, fair and just” evaluation principle, the scholarship evaluation committee did a comprehensive evaluation and it is planned to determine the list of scholarship awardees for the 2020-2021 academic year. It is now publicized.The publicity period is from October 14th, 2021 to October 18th, 2021, a total of five days.During the publicity period, if you have any doubts, please feel free to contact us before October 18th. The number is 0571-86633102.International Education College
Declaration For Canceling Admission
National Day Holiday Arrangements
Notice on National Day Holiday Arrangements and Safety RemindersNational Day Holiday Arrangements1、Holiday: October 1st to October 7th2、Class schedule: September 26th (Sunday) will make up lessons for October 6th(Wednesday).October 9th (Saturday) will make up lessons for October 7th(Thursday).Safety reminders:International students are not allowed to go out of Zhejiang province. If anyone with special condition has to go out of Hangzhou city, please apply for leaving permission from your head teacher in advance, only when your application is approved by IEC can you leave school. Students who return to Hangzhou from other provinces must provide a nucleic acid test report within 48 hours before your arrival. Anyone who leaves Hangzhou or returns to school without approval will get punishment severely. Please scan the QR code below to fill in your holiday destination before 8:00 a.m. September 29th.