张敏,王自敏,邢海燕.王自敏教授治疗原发性肾病综合征的临床思辨经验[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2021,45(3):244-247, 259.
Professor WANG Zimin‘s Experience of Clinical Thinking and Differentiation in Treating Primary Nephrotic Syndrome
中文关键词: 原发性肾病综合征  病因病机  健脾益肾  名医经验  王自敏  生活调护  验案
英文关键词: primary nephrotic syndrome  etiology and pathogenesis  invigorating the spleen and tonifying the kidney  the experiences of famous doctor  WANG Zimin  nursing  medical cases
张敏 河南中医药大学 郑州 450000  
王自敏 河南中医药大学第一附属医院  
邢海燕 河南中医药大学第一附属医院 hnxinghaiyan@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 4515
全文下载次数: 2620
      [Objective]To summarize Professor WANG Zimin‘s experience in treating primary nephrotic syndrome(PNS).[Methods]Through clinical follow-up learning and collecting medical records, summarizing Professor WANG Zimin‘s understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of PNS. It analyzes its speculative experience in the treatment of PNS from different clinical manifestations, different stages of glucocorticoid use, and nursing.At the same time it is supplemented by case verification.[Results] Professor WANG believes that the deficiency of both the spleen and kidney is the root of PNS. Dysfunction of the spleen and kidney leads to the leakage of essences, and the retention of turbid pathogens such as water and dampness, dampness and heat, phlegm turbidity and blood stasis and so on. Treatment should be based on invigorating the spleen and tonifying the kidney, meanwhile, it is necessary to remove pathogenic factors and takes both the origin and manifestation into consideration. According to the clinical manifestations of edema, proteinuria, hypoproteinemia and hyperlipidemia, syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation should be combined, and the method of “promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis” should run through the whole process of diagnosis and treatment. Professor WANG often chooses prescriptions and medications according to the different clinical manifestations of patients, and supplements Chinese herbal decoctions at different stages of glucocorticoid to alleviate the adverse effects of glucocorticoid and relieve the syndromes of Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity, Qi deficiency, and Yang deficiency. At the same time, Professor WANG also attaches importance to nursing and points out that in daily life, patients should pay attention to preventing colds, preventing infections, avoiding fatigue, and preventing disease recurrence.The main pathogenesis of the case cited in the first visit was damp abundance due to splenic asthenia and disharmony of stomach, and the treatment was based on strengthening the spleen, removing dampness, regulating Qi and harmonizing the stomach. Then there were signs of Yang deficiency and diseases caused by external factors, and drugs of clearing the lung and tonifying the kidney were added. Due to the deficiency of Qi and Yin for a long time, it was necessary to replenish Qi, nourish Yin and tonify the kidney to regulate and protect the body. The method of “promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis” ran through the whole process of diagnosis and treatment, and good results were achieved after about 3 months of treatment. [Conclusion]Professor WANG Zimin‘s treatment of PNS pays attention to both the origin and manifestation and the combination of syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation. His clinical speculative experience is worthy of understanding and learning by the majority of younger generations.
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