Exploring the Connotation of Acupuncture in Regulating Spirit from the Awakening Brain and Opening Aperture Acupuncture Therapy
中文关键词: 醒脑开窍针刺法  针刺疗法    治神  针刺治神  临床实践  石学敏
英文关键词: awakening brain and opening aperture acupuncture therapy  acupuncture therapy  spirit  regulating spirit  acupuncture in regulating spirit  clinical practice  SHI Xuemin
王茸 天津中医药大学 天津 301600
许军峰 天津中医药大学第一附属医院/国家中医针灸临床医学研究中心 
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      [目的] 从醒脑开窍针刺法的视角,探讨针刺治病的理论内涵,为当前针刺治神的临床实践提供思路。[方法] 以醒脑开窍针刺法为切入点,从辨证、选穴、操作、医者、患者等针刺涉及的各方面、各环节归纳其核心理念,后追本溯源分析针刺各环节与治神的关系,并就当前针刺治神的临床实践进行思考。[结果] 醒脑开窍针刺法的核心理念是治神,其将醒神、调神、养神等“治神”思想贯穿针刺始终,且将“治神”思想融合于辨证、选穴、操作、医者、患者等针刺涉及到的各方面、各环节。追本溯源发现,针刺过程由多个环节组成,且每一环节都有神的参与。经络乃神内传外使之载体,腧穴是神游行出入之处,得气乃人神被针刺调动起来的标志,补泻法是“神归其室”的关键操作。针刺治病的核心要义是对主宰人身各项机能的功能之神——人神的调动和调节,对患者意识、精神等的调节则是对这一核心要义的辅助手段。而神作为人体生命活动的总指挥,在疾病治疗过程中,都应该被视为“疾病之本”而加以治疗干预。[结论] 针刺治神是醒脑开窍针刺法的核心思想,也是针刺临床实践的理论核心,更是针刺临床疗效的保证,故明确针刺治神的重要性对针刺临床应用与发展具有重要意义。
      [Objective] To discuss the theoretical connotation of acupuncture in treating diseases and provide ideas for the current clinical practice of acupuncture in regulating spirit, taking the awakening brain and opening aperture acupuncture therapy as a perspective. [Methods] Taking the method of awakening brain and opening aperture acupuncture therapy as an entry point, we summarize its core concepts from the various aspects and links involved in acupuncture, such as identification, selection of acupuncture points, manipulation, practitioners, patients, and so on, and then trace back to the origin to analyze the relationship between the various links of acupuncture and regulating spirit as well as think about the current clinical practice of acupuncture in regulating spirit. [Results] The core concept of awakening brain and opening aperture acupuncture therapy is to regulate spirit and the idea of “regulating spirit”, such as awakening brain, regulate spirit and nourishing spirit, which are carried out throughout the acupuncture, and the idea of “regulating spirit” is integrated into the identification, selection of acupoints, operation, practitioner, patient and other aspects of acupuncture involved. Tracing back to the origin, we find that the process of acupuncture consists of many links, and each link has the participation of spirit. The meridians are the carriers for the internal transmission of spirit, the acupoints are the places for the procession of spirit to and from, the Deqi is the sign of mobilization of spirit by acupuncture, and the tonic and diarrhea method is the key operation of “returning spirit to its room”, and so on. The core essence of acupuncture treatment is the mobilization and regulation of the spirit-the spirit of the function of the dominant body, and the regulation of the patient’s consciousness and spirit is an auxiliary means of this core essence. Spirit, as the commander-in-chief of the human body’s life activities, should be used as the “root of the disease” for therapeutic interventions in the course of disease treatment. [Conclusion] Acupuncture regulating spirit is the core idea of awakening brain and opening aperture acupuncture therapy, as well as the theoretical core of acupuncture clinical practice, and it is also the guarantee of the clinical efficacy of acupuncture, therefore, it is of great significance to clarify the importance of acupuncture regulating spirit for the clinical application and development of acupuncture.
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